Training times and calander

Toushido Karate
  Path to a Fighting Spirit

Path to a fighting spirit 
Toushido Karate

Sensei Mick Murphy is the founder and chief instructor of Toushido Karate. With his many years of experience and training skills in various styles of Karate, he has incorporated all of these in one club.

Toushido Karate is a freestyle form of Karate with a very strong Shotokan emphasis.

We also use other styles such as go-ju kai, zen-do-kai, jujitsu and weapons in our form of training. The syllabus of Toushido Karate is divided into six main areas - stances, kicks, punches, blocks, elbows and Kata. These groups all have many techniques in them.

All techniques are spoken in Japanese and if any students have problems with the techniques, a DVD is available.

Kata is a combination of all techniques put together. Great masters of Karate hand down these combinations over many years. The student will need to show knowledge and demonstrate a new Kata for each grade.

These include Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Taikyoku Shodan, Taikyoku Nidan, Taikyoku Sandan, Saifa, Heian Nidan, Sanseru, Bassai Dai, Seiyunchin, Hangetsu, Tekki Shodan, Empi, Sepai, Kanku Dai, Sisochin, Gankanku, Gojushiho Sho. 

When a student is ready to progress, an invitation to grade is given by the Sensei. Grading fees will vary depending on the level the student is trying to achieve. All grading fees include belt, certificate and lunch and part proceeds are donated to a nominated charity. Students should, if training is consistent, achieve three belts in the first year, two belts in the second, two belts in the third and one year for each brown belt. Our belt colours are white,

yellow, orange, green, blue, red, purple, brown, brown / white, brown / black and black. These are followed by Dan gradings.

Toushido Karate has three days per week to train. See training page above for times.

The Monday early class is a great introduction to martial arts touching on all basic techniques and fitness. This class is recommended for students going for their first two belts.

The Monday second class and Friday class are suited for graded students. All aspects of Karate are taught in these classes. However, beginners can train on these nights but may find it a little challenging and may not keep up and reach their full potential. Students must learn to crawl before they walk.

The outdoor early morning classes are one hour intense fitness classes using full contact bag workout and sparring. We also go through basic techniques and Katas required for grading

We promote parental involvement and encourage parents to train with their children to increase the family bond.

The meaning of Toushido is 'A Path to a Fighting Spirit'. Fighting spirit never gives up and just keeps going. For example, a little boy or girl who is afraid of water or cannot swim, with encouragement from friends, family and the teacher, his or her confidence will grow and the determination or fighting spirit will in time overpower these hurdles. So too with Karate, the hurdle of learning new techniques, increasing fitness and becoming more confident requires this fighting spirit to make this path a success.

Our logo is a red serpent. The serpent represents many things. Our club recognises the serpent as the symbol of wisdom. The serpent's tail has no end and is in the shape of the symbol of infinity. Therefore our logo represents 'infinite wisdom'.

The serpent is red which also has many meanings. To us red represents energy, determination and strength.

In closing, our club teaches discipline, integrity, self-reliance, confidence, commitment and a respect for others..

  Toushido Karate Terminology
© Copyright. Toushido Karate. All rights reserved

Uke (oo-kay) Blocks

age uke (ah-gay oo-kay) rising block where the forearm is one fist from the head and 45 

soto uke (so-toe oo-kay) outside to inside middle level block

gedan barai (gay-dan bar-eye) low sweeping block starting from the shoulder

uchi uke (u-chee- oo-kay) inside to outside middle level block

gedan kake uke (gay-dan ka-kay oo-kay ) outside to inside low sweeping forearm block

morote uke (moh-roh-tay oo-kay) a reinforced block

osae uke (oh-say oo-kay) pressing block with open hand

nagashi uke (nah-gah-she oo-kay ) sweeping block with open hand

kosa uke (ko-sah oo-kay) double block uchi uke and gedan barai at the same time

haishu uke (ha-ee-show oo-kay) back of the hand block while the hand is open

juji uke (ju-G oo-kay) X block hands crossed over to the front

otoshi uke (oh-toe-shee oo-kay) dropping block with hands closed

mawashi uke (mah-wah-she oo-kay) circular block with both hands

kake uke (ka-kay oo-kay) semi circle block with an open hand

Uchi (oo-chee) Strikes

shuto uchi (shoe-toe oo-chee) knife hand strike starting from the opposite ear

soto shuto uchi (shoe-toe oo-chee) knife hand strike starting from the same ear

teisho (tay-show oo-chee) palm heel strike

haishu uchi (hay-show oo-chee) back of the hand strike

haito uchi (hi-toe oo-chee) ridge hand strike starting from the middle of the back

gyaku haito uchi (ghee-ya-ka hi-toe oo-chee) reverse ridge hand strike

furi uchi (foo-ree oo-chee) back fist strike starting from the middle of the back

ura uchi (u-rah oo-chee) back fist snap strike to the front with elbows close together

mae uraken (may-a u-rah-ken) backfist to the front commonly used in sparring

ushiro uraken (u-she-row u-rah-ken) back fist towards the back

yoko uraken (yo-ko u-rah-ken) back fist towards the side

nukite (new-key-tay) finger-tip strike with fingers straight during the strike

tettsui (tet-sue-ee) hammer fist strike as in gekisai dai ichi

Tsuki (zoo-key) Punches

jodan tsuki (joe-dan zoo-key) hi level punch

chudan tsuki (chew-dan zoo-key) mid level punch

gedan tsuki (gay-dan zoo-key) low level punch

oi tsuki (oy-ee zoo-key) lunge punch same as the front leg

gyaku tsuki (ghee-ya-ku zoo-key) reverse punch opposite to the front leg

kizame tsuki (key-zam-me zoo-key) jab punch always with the front hand

tatte tsuki (ta-tey-zoo-key) a vertical fist punch

yama tsuki (yah-mah zoo-key) wide vertical U punch where fists are mirror image

awase tsuki (ah-wah-say zoo-key) vertical U punch where fists are mirror image

morote tsuki (moh-roh-tay zoo-key) side augmented punch

heiko tsuki (heh-koe zoo-key) parallel punch with both hands simultaneously to the front

sanbon tsuki (san-bon zoo-key) triple punch, usually one high, two middle

shita tsuki (she-ta zoo-key) short punch

kagi tsuki (kah-gee zoo-key) cross body punch

Geri (ge-ri) Kicks

mae geri (mah-ee ge-ri) front kick

mawashi geri (mah-wah-she ge-ri) roundhouse kick

gyaku mawashi geri (ghee-ya-ku mah-wah-she ge-ri) reverse roundhouse kick

mikazuki geri ( mee-kah-zoo-key ge-ri) crescent kick

gyaku mikazuki geri (ghee-ya-ku mee-kah-zoo-key ge-ri) reverse crescent kick

yoko geri keagi (yoh-koh ge-ri kay-ah-ghee) side snap kick

yoko geri kekomi (yoh-koh ge-ri kay-ko-me) side thrusting kick

tobi geri (toe-bee ge-ri) flying kick

hiza geri (he-zah ge-ri) knee kick

kin geri (keen ge-ri) a kick to the groin

ushiro geri (u-she-row ge-ri) back kick

kakato geri (kay-kay-toe ge-ri) heel kick also known as an axe kick

gedan kakato geri (gay-dan kay-kay-toe ge-ri) low level heel kick

kizame geri (key-zam-me ge-ri) snap kick off front leg

Dachi (dar-chee) Stances 

zenkutsu dachi (zen-koot-sue dar-chee) deep forward stance

han zenkutsu dachi (hang-zen-koot-sue dar-chee) short fighting stance

shiko dachi (she-ko dar-chee) strattle stance with knees deeply bent, feet slightly outward

kiba dachi (key-bar dar-chee) horse-riding stance with feet straight forward

kokutsu dachi (ko-koot-sue dar-chee) back stance

kosa dachi (koh-sar dar-chee) cross-leg stance

heiko dachi (heh-koe dar-chee) shoulder stance with the feet parallel

heisoku dachi (heh-soh-ku dar-chee) a stance where the toes and heels are close together as when standing at attention

hangetsu dachi (han-get-sue dar-chee) a half-moon stance; is like a wide sanchin dachi

musubi dachi (mar-sue-be dar-chee) natural stance used when bowing. The heels are together and toes are apart

nekoashi dachi (neh-koe-ahh-she dar-chee) cat stance

sagiashi dachi (sah-ghee-ah-she dar-chee) crane stance

sanchin dachi (san-shin dar-chee) hourglass stance

Hiji Ate (hee-gee ar-tay) Elbow smash

tatte hiji ate (ta-tey hee-gee ah-tay) vertical rising elbow smash

ushiro hiji ate (you-she-row hee-gee ah-tay) back elbow smash

mawashi hiji ate (mar-wash-ee hee-gee ah-tay) roundhouse elbow smash

otoshi hiji ate (oh-toe-she hee-gee ah-tay) down elbow smash

yoko hiji ate (yo-ko hee-gee ah-tay) side rising elbow smash

jodan ushiro hiji ate (joe-dan you-she-row hee-gee ah-tay) high level back rising elbow smash

mae hiji ate ( mah-ee hee-gee ah-tay) front elbow smash

 © Copyright. Toushido Karate. All rights reserved

Kata Names

Gekisai Dai Ichi -- Attack and Smash

Taikyoku Shodan -- First Cause

Saifa -- Smash and Tear

Heian Nidan -- Peaceful Mind

Sanseru -- 36 Hands

Bassai Dai -- Penetrate the fortress

Seiyunchin -- Grab and Pull in Battle

Hangetsu -- Half Moon

Tekki Shodan -- Horse Riding

Empi -- Flying Swallow

Seipai -- 18 Hands


My name is Mick Murphy. I was born 20th August 1969, father of 2, Jack and Eden and currently live at Blackwood.

My life turned toward a path, which involved Martial Arts after an incident involving a drunken driver. I needed the confidence and the skill to overcome this man, both of which I didn’t have. This is how my journey began.

I’m not sure why I chose Karate. I believe things happen for a reason and my inner feelings guided me towards A Martial Art Path.

Shotokan suited me and I thoroughly enjoyed the style. The idea of stance, hand technics and one instructor telling the students what to do really appealed to me.

However, life’s many challenges would have to be overcome through this journey. With the guidance of my inner and outer spirit and the way of Martial Arts these hurdles of family and injury were lessened.

I have a very competitive nature and love to succeed. This is one aspect that inspires me to train week after week. Not only that but to be the fastest and sharpest on the nights training. My competition training suffered a major blow after suffering a serious knee injury. My journey came to a massive halt and I was devastated. With all the rehab and a slow introduction into Martial Arts again my journey progressed again but in a different style.

After successfully completing my Shodan grading in this style, the respect and confidence I received by my peers, friends and family was overwhelming. So much so, I decided to complete a chapter in my path that involved my original style, Shotokan. It felt like reading a book without reading the last page or running a race and not finishing. Due to my competitive nature and my desire to succeed this grading means a lot to me. Just the thought of the adrenalin, hard sparring, precise techniques and being pushed to the limit is inspiration in itself. This would enhance my dedication to the sport and inspire me even more to practice and teach the art of Karate.

That grading with SA Karate gave me the opportunity to prove to others and myself how well I can perform under pressure and show them my level of skill. Also let’s me do what I love and do best. That is Karate.

With two separate Shodan grades behind me my need to go further became stronger. The excitement and enthusiasm I have for these gradings was amazing. Just to be able to share my knowledge to my fellow students was be great. And to have the recognition of a second Shodan grade was an absolute dream for me.

I have achieved three more grades Nidan grading with Sensei Tracy Ellis (a great friend and instructor) and Sandan with the Australia Martial Art Association.

I have also had another knee injury, but the rehab was a little easier the second time round. At least now they are the same.

The biggest achievement for me was presenting a two and a half hour session to our highly respected mentors and friends, the IBF (international budo federation) to enable me to progress to yondan ( 4th dan black belt). Showing the panel 5 weapon katas, 10 tradition katas, basics, 4 way ippon kimate, knife attack take downs, jkf combinations and a club training session was an awesome way to get my grade. The Australian president of the IBF awarded me with my yondan grade and also a dipoma of teaching. This gives me the recognition to teach anywhere in the world . To me, this is a great honour. The comment that stays in my mind is what was said at the presentation,
" This level of shotokan karate would be seen in any dojo in Toyko, Japan"

In April 2013 I presented a 3.5 hour grading session to 3 highly regarded martial artists from different styles and levels. My 5th dan grading was approved by all.


Being part of establishing a new club (Chikara Budo) and being able to assist with the training aspect of this club was a great time in my life. I felt, after many years, it was time to move on and develop my own ideas into a new club. This was difficult for me to try and not upset my old club members and especially my sensei. After many years of training together we both knew that this day was sure to come.

I know my students at my newly formed club are just as excited as I am. My positive, enthusiastic attitude has already started to rub off onto them. It will only grow after the grading.

Martial arts to me has many parts to it:

1/ Focus: - I set my mind with a goal whether it’s a grading, tournament or a new kata. This can also be used to enable correct technique and kime on each move.

2/ Anticipation: - This skill is one that comes with much training and is very hard to master but very useful in tournaments.

3/ Speed and Strength: - These two need to be balanced. Too much of one and the other one suffers.


4/ Discipline and Respect - These are one of the most important parts to karate. They must be practiced for both the art and the teacher.

After 3 years of training I realised that I was unable to control the adrenalin when it came to conflict and sparring. I decided to enter my first tournament. This would enable me to over come nerves and use my adrenalin in my favour. In doing so I have come away with many trophies, these include:

1994            AAKS- games. 4 gold medals and overall champion

                     Shotokan Karate Championships- 3rd in kumite and 2nd in kata

1996            AKF- State tittles 3rd in kata

1998            NAS- 2nd in kata

2002           NAS Australian championships- 2nd in kata and 3rd in kumite

                     NAS- 1 gold weapons, 1 bronze kata, 1 bronze sparring

2003           AMAA- 1st in weapons and 2nd in sparring

                     NAS- 1 silver sparring, 3bronze kata

2004          NAS- 3 gold for weapons 1 silver for kata and 3 bronze for sparring

                     NAS- State titles-1 gold kata

2005          NAS- 1 gold, 1 silver weapons, 1silver kata, 2 bronze kata

2006          NAS- 1 silver weapons

2007          NAS - 2 gold weapons, 1 gold and 2 silver kata

2009          NAS - 4 gold weapons, 2 gold kata 2 silver kata. 
                    Australian Champion weapons and State Champion weapons 

2001-09   NAS- state team representative

2006          AKF- 1 silver kata

                     NAS- Australia team

2003-06    NAS Referee

Over my 19 years of training I can describe it like a tree. It has one main trunk with many branches coming off it. The trunk is my preferred way of training and the branches are the many styles I have trained in. Some of these include:

      1990-96 AAKS  

      1995-97 Graham Dunn Jujitsu

      1998-01 GKR

       2001-04 Yukido

      2003-04 Zen-do-kai (Golden Knights)

      2005 Kung Fu (Trail)

      2003-06 Chikara Budo

      2006 - Toushido Karate

While training at these clubs the katas I learnt were:

Taikyoku shodan          Heian Shodan         Heian Nidan          Heian Sandan

Heian Yondan          Heian Godan         Tekki Shodan          Bassai Dai

Kanku Dai          Hangetsu         Tensho          Gekisai Dai Ichi

Saifa          Sanseru         Seiunchin          Empi         Sepai          Shisochin    

Gankanku    Gosaku

I have also broadened my knowledge of martial arts by learning to use weapons. I have developed my own katas for the weapons I use to best show the way they are used. These weapons include:

Kama          Sword         Sai          Nunchuku         Tri staff Bo / Jo         Throwing Stars

My focus at the moment is to develop a successful karate club that maintains a high level of skills and discipline. My goals are to provide my students with excellent karate technique, an understanding of the Japanese terminology, fitness, co-ordination while maintaining a fun family learning environment. I enjoy teaching  my students at Belair, Eden Hills and Craigburn PS  which has opened my mind to martial arts even more.

Karate is a big part of my life and I hope to share it with my family and students. I find it very satisfying when I see the confidence grow when my students achieve their next goal.

















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